First of all Thanks to Mr. Kevin Mitnick for sending Review Copy of his latest book & Auto-Biography "Ghost in the Wires - My Adventures As The World's Most Wanted Hacker". I take about a week to read this amazing book and Finally The Hacker News Review for this Book :
Some call him a saint, some a criminal, others adore him. Industry may loathe him but we here at hacker news say “Get Reading” loyal subscribers and laugh, get mad, feel revenge, and pure educational enjoyment reading Kevin Mitnick’s new book “Ghost in the Wires” . Yeah, we consider him pretty cool and the father of Social Engineering which is just ours and yours level of interest.
If a guy that can stay one step ahead of big business, catching them with their pants down and their hands in the Cookie jar, then this is the book for you. If you admire a person who can squeeze blood from a turnip, you have the right read waiting for you. Just when you think it can’t be done, Mitnick wows you with his technical skill in squeezing past high tech security systems and into the arms of classified information of some of the biggest businesses in the world.Try Motorola, sun Microsystems and pacific bell for starters.
Mitnick is no less than a genius as he knits a story of intrigue and suspense as he navigates through the mazes of high tech companies keeping them jumping and realizing they are not invincible……not even close.
Perhaps the greatest gift from the book is how human Kevin appears and as readers we ride the train of emotions with him being in solitary confinement to the high of breezing past the most complex of security systems. I think Mitnick even wonders how he does it!
Great book, lots of interesting facts, a good story and you’ll walk away amazed and proud that we aren’t always controlled by big government or corporations.
Viva la Mitnick and hip hip hooray for Social Engineering & Ghost in the Wires! GOOD LUCK for the success of Ghost in the Wires. Book will Release on 15 August 2011, On Independence day of India ;-)
The Hacker News Editorial Staff,
Mohit Kumar.
Greets to Kevin Mitnick & Patti Galle ...
Source : http://www.thehackernews.com/2011/07/thn-review-ghost-in-wires-kevin-mitnick.html

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