Indonesian and Australian police launched Cyber Crime Investigation Center

Indonesian and Australian police officially launched a joint project called the Cyber Crime Investigation Center. The center was officiated by Indonesian National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo and Australian Federal Police chief Comr. Tony Negus at the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta on Thursday.
Timur said the center had been planned since six months ago.

"Today, we launch the center, which will be equipped with tools needed to carry out cyber crime investigation," Timur said, adding that its communication technology equipment was being provided by the Australian government."Of course, this [center] will improve our capacity to detect and [investigate cyber] crimes, particularly transnational crimes," he said.

Negus said the center would allow the Indonesian National Police to deal with technology and IT-related crimes. He added that the Australian police force was looking to forge cooperative agreements in its investigation of transnational crimes, not only in region but also across the world.

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