We are anonymous.
Recently, your Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has been speaking about internet censorship in Indonesia. Over the last few years, we have witnessed the censorship taken by many government, such as blocking YouTube, Rapidshare, Fileserve and thousands of other websites. Most recently, the government banned access to Google services. And now your government try to do the same things with your internet access (here). It is time that you, Anonymous, the people, stand up and show your government that this censorship will not be tolerated.
Dear citizen of Indonesia
This month, use your email and send this message to any email with domain name @depkominfo.go.id and @kominfo.go.id
We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive censorship. We do not forget corruption. Expect us.
Take your family, your friends and you relatives to do the same things. We, the people, have the significant power to create change, and it is time we demonstrate that power.
Tifatul don’t touch our internet.
We, Anonymous, will not stand by and let this go unnoticed. We will fight with the Indonesia people against your censorship plan.
These acts of censorship are inexcusable. The internet is a platform for freedom, a place where anyone and everyone can come together, discuss topics, and share information, without the fear of government interference.
You have been warned.
Expect us.
Join Anonymous – Operation Indonesia IRC : http://irc.lc/anonops/opindonesia/anonyops@@@@
Sumber : http://www.exploit-id.com/news/anonymous-%E2%80%93-operation-indonesia

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